Board Member Spotlight: Monica Smart-Gainous
Monica is an important part of STAC’s outreach, particularly in Gadsden County, where she helps organize an annual community forum.
Monica is an important part of STAC’s outreach, particularly in Gadsden County, where she helps organize an annual community forum.
Ina’s vision is to bring community awareness to forced labor and human trafficking in rural areas through youth outreach.
This certificate-based training is offered in partnership with the Big Bend Coalition Against Human Trafficking and the International Rescue Committee in Florida.
The International Rescue Committee (IRC) in partnership with Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC) has received funding from the Department of Justice, securing — for the first time — federal resources specifically designated to combat human trafficking in the Big Bend
Christin F. Gonzalez: We can do more to prevent human trafficking and to assist survivors when we work together as a team.
The directory will help everyone in our region connect survivors to the unique mix of resources that will be most beneficial to them.
On this milestone birthday, I’m asking you to join me and to support STAC with a donation to help stop human trafficking in our region of Florida.
This session will offer insight into where and how labor trafficking occurs and include a discussion about the impact of consumer choice in preventing labor trafficking.
STAC’s monthly training for September includes a special focus on the civil and legal needs of human trafficking survivors and family law.
Recognize common indicators and “red flags.” Discuss the approach for a patient who is a suspected victim of trafficking.