1 to 3 p.m., Oct. 18, 2019
United Church in Tallahassee, 1834 Mahan Dr.
This is a free training, but registration is required. Please register below.
[ESPRESSO_TICKET_SELECTOR event_id=3419]Sex trafficking is often in the news, but labor trafficking is more prevalent. It is estimated that 80 percent of all trafficking worldwide is labor trafficking, which is often “hidden in plain sight” in restaurants, hotels, neighborhood homes and salons or on farms, constructions sites and other locations. This session will offer insight into where and how labor trafficking occurs and include a discussion about the impact of consumer choice in preventing labor trafficking. You can use your dollars to support farms, restaurants and retailers that are dedicated to supply chains that do not include trafficked labor.
The speaker is STAC Board member Ina Hawkins, whose vision is to bring community awareness to forced labor and human trafficking in rural areas through youth outreach. Ina recently completed a master’s degree in Homeland Security from Keiser University, and her thesis topic was “Forced Labor Trafficking: Its Social and Economic Effects on the United States.” She will present from her research and experiences.
Visit http://slaveryfootprint.org/ and http://www.endslaverynow.org/ to learn more about modern-day slavery and the impact of consumer decisions.
*This session is part of STAC’s monthly training series, offered from 1 to 3 p.m. on the third Friday of every month in partnership with the Big Bend Coalition Against Human Trafficking.