11:30 a.m. – 4 p.m., Friday, Jan. 24, 2020, FSU College of Law, Room: Rotunda 310, 425 W Jefferson St., Tallahassee
Registration is required. Please register using the form below.
How can we as attorneys, advocates, judges, law enforcement and as members of the community ensure that human trafficking survivors are helped by the justice system and not retraumatized? How can we understand the traumas that survivors have faced as we bring traffickers to justice? How can we work to build a response to human trafficking that is survivor-centered and that actively works to restore victims and helps them to rebuild their lives? How can we build strength, empathy and resilience for ourselves and survivors in our courtrooms, classrooms, law offices, law enforcement agencies, clinics, social services organizations, and throughout our world? These questions and more will be the focus of this program.
This event has been approved for 4 CLE credits.
Hosts/Sponsors: FSU College of Law, FSU Center for the Advancement of Human Rights, International Rescue Committee, Survive and Thrive Advocacy Center (STAC), Big Bend Coalition Against Human Trafficking, Florida Government Bar Association, Legal Services of North Florida, Tallahassee Women Lawyers.
Cost: Program is free; lunch is provided.
Contact: Robin Hassler Thompson, STAC, 850-597-2080 robin@surviveandthriveadvocacy.org